Cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs
Cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs

cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs

NOTE: Uninstalling BlueStacks 5 will remove all your apps, instances and game data. First, uninstall BlueStacks 5 currently on your PC by following the steps given here. If you're unable to launch BlueStacks 5 because Hyper-V is enabled in your PC, then you can remove it and install the BlueStacks 5 version that supports Hyper-V. How can I install the BlueStacks 5 version for Hyper-V?

  • Install the BlueStacks 5 version that supports Hyper-V.
  • cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs

    To continue using BlueStacks 5 on your PC, you will have to either:

    cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs

    When you launch BlueStacks 5 on a PC where Hyper-V is enabled, you will see the message shown in the image below. Right-click on the BlueStacks 5 icon and select "Run as administrator".Use this custom tool to disable Hyper-V.If you're facing a problem with using BlueStacks 5 after updating Windows 11:

    Cannot uninstall bluestacks in programs